Making Education Fun
Education should be fun! Amy has been delivering continuing education at hospitals, conferences and online since 2006. Amy knows education.
She has received speaker of the year awards, worked with translators in over four countries, has over 60 published printed works in eight countries and recently published her very own book. She is a self-described border collie.
Amy focuses on delivering practical, data-driven information while providing fun, fast-paced sessions. Attendees stay engaged. From hands-on, in classroom or online we can deliver CE to your team. With over 30 topics and growing, we definitely have something for you.
Learn More About Hiring
Amy Newfield, MS, CVT, VTS (ECC)
How To Hire >
Are you a conference, organization or hospital looking for a speaker?

How To Hire >
I Want to Work With You!
Are You a Conference or Event Organizer?
Please consider me as a speaker. I meet deadlines and will work hard to ensure your conference is a success. I know conferences have their own contracts and I don't expect any special treatment. I'm always honored and humbled being invited. I want attendees to have fun learning!
Are you a Hospital or Organization?
If you are a hospital or organization looking to hire me as a lecturer please be aware that travel costs (airline, hotel, taxi) are incurred on top of a fee for areas outside of Massachusetts for any in-person education. Let's talk about options!
Reach Out to Me!
Fluid Therapy
Reproductive Emergencies
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Managing Trauma
Respiratory Distress
Caring for Post-Operative Patients
Nursing Care for Critical Patients
Senior Pet Care
Gaining Venous Access
Blood Pressure
Urinary Catheters
Turning the Negative to Positive
How To Thrive in the Veterinary Industry
Emotional Intelligence
Demanding Clients
Basic Anatomy & Physiology
Common Illness & Diseases
And Much, Much, More!
Amy Newfield has had the honor to be interviewed over the years by industry leaders. Here are some of the podcast interviews.